An unstructured geometrical Volume of Fluid method for viscoelastic two-phase flows. Niethammer, M.; Asghar, M.H.; Maric, T.; Bothe, D. (preprint).
Analytical Model and OpenFOAM Simulations of the Darmstadt Tribometer. Asghar, M.H.; Ben Gozlen, H.; Kuhr, M.; Fricke, M.; Maric, T.; Pelz, P.; Bothe, D. (preprint).
A consistent treatment of dynamic contact angles in the sharp-interface framework via the generalized Navier boundary condition. Fullana, T.; Kulkarni, Y.; Fricke, M.; Popinet, S.; Afkhami, S.; Bothe, D.; Zaleski, S. (preprint).
Bridging the scales in capillary rise dynamics with complexity-reduced models. Fricke, M.; Raju, S.; Ouro-Koura, E.A.; Kozymka, O.; De Coninck, J.; Tokovic, Z.; Maric, T.; Bothe, D. (preprint).
A two-field formulation for surfactant transport within the algebraic Volume of Fluid method. Antritter, T.; Josyulaa, T.; Marić, Tomislav; Bothe, Dieter; Hachmann, P.; Buck, B.; Gambaryan-Roismana, T.; Stephan, Peter (preprint).
Mathematical analysis of modified level-set equations. Bothe, Dieter; Fricke, Mathis; Soga, Kohei (preprint).
Benchmark Simulation of Laminar Reactive Micromixing Using Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Bukreev, F.; Kummerländer, A.; Jeßberge, J.; Teutscher, D.; Bothe, D. (preprint)
A locally signed-distance preserving level set method (SDPLS) for moving interfaces. Fricke, Mathis; Marić, Tomislav; Vučković, Aleksandar & Bothe, Dieter (preprint).
A pragmatic workflow for research software engineering in computational science. Marić, Tomislav; Gläser, D.; Lehr, J.-P.; Papagiannidis, I., Lambie, Benjamin; Bischof, Christoph (preprint).
Numerical wetting simulations using the plicRDF-isoAdvector unstructured Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method. Asghar, M. Hassan; Fricke, Mathis; Bothe, Dieter; Marić, Tomislav (preprint).
Imaging and simulation-based analysis of evaporation flows over wetting edges. Raju, S.; Braig, F.; Fricke, M.; Gründing, D.; Dörsam, E.; Sauer, H.M., Bothe, D. (2024), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 231, 125731.
Analysis of a bulk-surface reaction-sorption-diffusion systems with Langmuir-type adsorption. Augner, Björn; Bothe (2024), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 188, 215-272.
Efficient three-material PLIC interface positioning for enhanced performance of the three-phase VoF Method. Kromer, Johannes; Potyka, Johanna; Schulte, Kathrin & Bothe, Dieter (2023), Computers & Fluids 266, 106051.
An analytical study of capillary rise dynamics: Critical conditions and hidden oscillations. Fricke, Mathis; Ouro-Koura, El Assad; Raju, Suraj; von Klitzing, Regine; Joel De Coninck; Bothe, Dieter (2023), Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 455, 133895.
An unstructured finite volume Level Set / Front Tracking method for two-phase flows with large density-ratios. Liu, Jun; Tolle, Tobias; Bothe, Dieter & Marić, Tomislav (2023), J. Comp. Phys. 493, 112426.
Asymmetry during fast stretching of a liquid bridge. Asghar, Muhammad Hassan; Brockmann, Ph.; Dong, Xulan; Niethammer, Matthias; Marić, Tomislav; Roisman, Ilia; Bothe, Dieter (2023), Chemical Engineering & Technology 35, 1800-1807.
Second-order accurate normal reconstruction from volume fractions on unstructured meshes with arbitrary polyhedral cells. Kromer, Johannes; Leotta, Fabio & Bothe, Dieter (2023), J. Comp. Phys. 491, 112363.
On the structure of continuum thermodynamical diffusion fluxes -- A novel closure scheme and its relation to the Maxwell-Stefan and the Fick-Onsager approach. Bothe, Dieter & Druet, Pierre-Etienne (2023), Int. Journal of Engineering Science 184, 103818.
Multicomponent incompressible fluids – an asymptotic study. Bothe, Dieter; Dreyer, Wolfgang; Druet, Pierre-Etienne (2023). ZAMM 103 (7):e202100174.
Third-order accurate initialization of VOF volume fractions on unstructured meshes with arbitrary polyhedral cells. Kromer, Johannes & Bothe, Dieter (2022), J. Comp. Phys. 475, 111840.
Computing hydrodynamic eigenmodes of channel flow with slip – A highly accurate algorithm. Raju, Suraj; Gründing, Dirk; Marić, Tomislav; Bothe, Dieter & Fricke, Mathis (2022), The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 100 (12), 3531-3547.
Computation of interfacial flows using Continuous Surface Stress method with adaptive mesh refinement in a Quad/Octree grid structure. Liu, Muyuan; Bothe, Dieter; Yang, Yiren & Chen, Hao (2022), Computers & Fluids 245, 105610.
On the molecular mechanism behind the bubble rise velocity jump discontinuity in viscoelastic liquids. Bothe, Dieter; Niethammer, Matthias; Pilz, Christian & Brenn, Günter (2022), J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 302, 104748.
Multipath Flow Metering of High-Velocity Gas using Ultrasonic Phased-Arrays. Haugwitz, Christoph; Hartmann, Claas; Allevato, Gianni; Rutsch, Matthias; Hinrichs, Jan; Brötz, Johannes; Bothe, Dieter; Pelz, Peter F. & Kupnik, Mario (2022), IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 2, 30-39.
triSurfaceImmersion: Computing volume fractions and signed distances from triangulated surfaces immersed in unstructured meshes. Tolle, Tobias; Gründing, Dirk; Bothe, Dieter & Marić, Tomislav (2022), Computer Physics Communications 273, 108249.
Sharp-Interface Continuum Thermodynamics of multicomponent fluid systems with interfacial mass. Bothe, Dieter (2022), Int. Journal of Engineering Science 179, 103731.
Face-based Volume-of-Fluid interface positioning in arbitrary polyhedra. Kromer, Johannes & Bothe, Dieter (2022), J. Comp. Phys. 449, 110776.
Multicomponent incompressible fluids – an asymptotic study. Bothe, Dieter; Dreyer, Wolfgang & Druet, Pierre-Etienne (2021), ZAMM e202100174, WIAS Preprint 2825.
Analysis of some heterogeneous catalysis models with fast sorption and fast surface chemistry. Augner, Björn & Bothe, Dieter (2021), J. Evol. Eqs. 21, 3521-3552.
Well-posedness analysis of multicomponent incompressible flow models. Bothe, Dieter & Druet, Pierre-Etienne (2021), J. Evol. Eqs. 21, 4039-4093, WIAS Preprint 2720.
Mass transport in multicomponent compressible fluids: Local and global well-posedness in classes of strong solutions for general class-one models. Bothe, Dieter & Druet, Pierre-Etienne (2021), Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 210, 112389, WIAS Prepring 2658.
Small-scale phenomena in reactive bubbly flows: experiments, numerical modeling, and applications. Schlüter, Michael; Herres-Pawlis, Sonja; Nieken, Ulrich; Tuttlies, Ute & Bothe, Dieter (2021), Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 12, 625-643.
Breakup dynamics of capillary bridges on hypophobic stripes. Hartmann, Maximilian; Fricke, Mathis; Weimar, Lukas; Gründing, Dirk; Marić, Tomislav; Bothe, Dieter & Hardt, Steffen (2021), Int. J. Multiphase Flow 138.
Computing Mass Transfer at Deformable Bubbles for High Schmidt Numbers. Weiner, Andre; Gründing, Dirk & Bothe, Dieter (2021), Chemie Ingenieur Technik.
The fast-sorption and fast-surface-reaction limit of a heterogeneous catalysis model. Augner, Björn & Bothe, Dieter (2021), Discrete Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S 14 (2), 533-574.
Numerical simulation of non-isothermal viscoelastic flows at high Weissenberg numbers using a finite volume method on general unstructured meshes. Meburger, Stefanie; Niethammer, Matthias; Bothe, Dieter & Schäfer, Michael (2021), Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 287, 104451.
On moving hypersurfaces and the discontinuous ODE-system associated with two-phase flows. Bothe, Dieter (2020), Nonlinearity, 33 (10), 5425–56.
Reflections on the article “Moving contact lines and dynamic contact angles: a ‘litmus test’ for mathematical models and some new challenges” by Yulii D. Shikhmurzaev. Bothe, Dieter (2020), The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 229 (10), 1979–87.
Boundary conditions for dynamic wetting – A mathematical analysis. Fricke, Mathis & Bothe, Dieter (2020), The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 229 (10), 1849–65.
Contact line advection using the geometrical Volume-of-Fluid method. Fricke, Mathis; Marić, Tomislav & Bothe, Dieter (2020), Journal of Computational Physics, 407, 109221.
A comparative study of transient capillary rise using direct numerical simulations. Gründing, Dirk; Smuda, Martin; Antritter, Thomas; Fricke, Mathis; Rettenmaier, Daniel; Kummer, Florian; Stephan, Peter; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2020), Applied Mathematical Modelling, 86, 142–65.
Mass transfer from single carbon-dioxide bubbles in surfactant-electrolyte mixed aqueous solutions in vertical pipes. Hori, Yohei; Bothe, Dieter; Hayashi, Kosuke; Hosokawa, Shigeo & Tomiyama, Akio (2020), International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 124, 103207.
Unstructured un-split geometrical Volume-of-Fluid methods – A review. Marić, Tomislav; Kothe, Douglas B. & Bothe, Dieter (2020), Journal of Computational Physics, 420, 109695.
SAAMPLE: A Segregated Accuracy-driven Algorithm for Multiphase Pressure-Linked Equations. Tolle, Tobias; Bothe, Dieter & Marić, Tomislav (2020), Computers & Fluids, 200, 104450.
Breakup Dynamics of Capillary Bridges on Hydrophobic Stripes. Hartmann, Maximilian; Fricke, Mathis; Weimar, Lukas; Gründing, Dirk; Marić, Tomislav; Bothe, Dieter & Hardt, Steffen (04.10.2019).
A kinematic evolution equation for the dynamic contact angle and some consequences. Fricke, Mathis; Köhne, Matthias & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 394, 26–43.
Highly accurate computation of volume fractions using differential geometry. Kromer, Johannes & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Journal of Computational Physics, 396, 761–84.
Toward the predictive simulation of bouncing versus coalescence in binary droplet collisions. Liu, M. & Bothe, D. (2019), Acta Mechanica, 230 (2), 623–44.
An extended volume of fluid method and its application to single bubbles rising in a viscoelastic liquid. Niethammer, Matthias; Brenn, Günter; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Journal of Computational Physics, 387, 326–55.
Robust Direct Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows. Niethammer, Matthias; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 91 (4), 522–28.
Load balanced 2D and 3D adaptive mesh refinement in OpenFOAM. Rettenmaier, Daniel; Deising, Daniel; Ouedraogo, Yun; Gjonaj, Erion; Gersem, Herbert de; Bothe, Dieter; Tropea, Cameron & Marschall, Holger (2019), SoftwareX, 10, 100317.
A continuum model of heterogeneous catalysis: Thermodynamic framework for multicomponent bulk and surface phenomena coupled by sorption. Souček, Ondřej; Orava, Vít; Málek, Josef & Bothe, Dieter (2019), International Journal of Engineering Science, 138, 82–117.
Data‐Driven Subgrid‐Scale Modeling for Convection‐Dominated Concentration Boundary Layers. Weiner, Andre; Hillenbrand, Dennis; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Chemical Engineering & Technology, 42 (7), 1349–56.
Experimental and numerical investigation of reactive species transport around a small rising bubble. Weiner, Andre; Timmermann, Jens; Pesci, Chiara; Grewe, Jana; Hoffmann, Marko; Schlüter, Michael & Bothe, Dieter (2019), Chemical Engineering Science: X, 1, 100007.
Direct numerical simulation of mass transfer in bubbly flows. Deising, Daniel; Bothe, Dieter & Marschall, Holger (2018), Computers & Fluids, 172, 524–37.
3D direct numerical simulations of reactive mass transfer from deformable single bubbles: An analysis of mass transfer coefficients and reaction selectivities. Falcone, Manuel; Bothe, Dieter & Marschall, Holger (2018), Chemical Engineering Science, 177, 523–36.
Boundedness-preserving implicit correction of mesh-induced errors for VOF based heat and mass transfer. Hill, S.; Deising, D.; Acher, T.; Klein, H.; Bothe, D. & Marschall, H. (2018), Journal of Computational Physics, 352, 285–300.
An enhanced un-split face-vertex flux-based VoF method. Marić, Tomislav; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2018), Journal of Computational Physics, 371, 967–93.
A numerical stabilization framework for viscoelastic fluid flow using the finite volume method on general unstructured meshes. Niethammer, M.; Marschall, H.; Kunkelmann, C. & Bothe, D. (2018), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 86 (2), 131–66.
Computational analysis of single rising bubbles influenced by soluble surfactant. Pesci, Chiara; Weiner, Andre; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2018), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 856, 709–63.
Global wellposedness for a class of reaction–advection–anisotropic-diffusion systems. Bothe, Dieter; Fischer, André; Pierre, Michel & Rolland, Guillaume (2017), Journal of Evolution Equations, 17 (1), 101–30.
Strong well-posedness for a class of dynamic outflow boundary conditions for incompressible Newtonian flows. Bothe, Dieter; Kashiwabara, Takahito & Köhne, Matthias (2017), Journal of Evolution Equations, 17 (1), 131–71.
Global strong solutions for a class of heterogeneous catalysis models. Bothe, Dieter; Köhne, Matthias; Maier, Siegfried & Saal, Jürgen (2017), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 445 (1), 677–709.
Modeling and analysis of reactive multi-component two-phase flows with mass transfer and phase transition the isothermal incompressible case. Bothe, Dieter & Prüss, Jan (2017), Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems – S, 10 (4), 673–96.
Colliding drops as coalescing and fragmenting liquid springs. Planchette, C.; Hinterbichler, H.; Liu, M.; Bothe, D. & Brenn, G. (2017), Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 814, 277–300.
Highly accurate two-phase species transfer based on ALE Interface Tracking. Weber, Paul S.; Marschall, Holger & Bothe, Dieter (2017), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 104, 759–73.
Advanced subgrid-scale modeling for convection-dominated species transport at fluid interfaces with application to mass transfer from rising bubbles. Weiner, Andre & Bothe, Dieter (2017), Journal of Computational Physics, 347, 261–89.